Prednisone for lymphoma in dogs
Looking for: Canine Lymphoma Steroid Only | Iowa State University Click here Prednisone for lymphoma in dogs - Findings provide potentially important information for clinicians to discuss with owners of dogs with lymphoma at the time treatment decisions are made. Abstract Objective: To evaluate survival times for dogs with previously untreated, peripheral nodal, intermediate- or large-cell lymphoma treated with prednisone alone. Publication types Clinical Trial, Veterinary. Substances Cyclophosphamide Prednisone. Moreover, occasionally dogs can potentially be cured, living up to 2 years or longer. Dogs with T cell lymphoma respond better to the addition of certain chemotherapy drugs. Therefore, The Pet Oncologist will recommend a different combination chemotherapy protocol than for dogs with B cell lymphoma. Other less costly options are available including single-agent chemotherapy and prednisolone alone. If your dog has low-grade, small-cell or ...